Create something new that matters
We keep it simple
Our hiring philosophy is simple: Hire people who are great at something. Give them hard problems to work on. Trust them to be outstanding. Surround them with colleagues who believe in them.
Life here is meaningful
When experienced people of diverse talents are inspired to work together as a team to change the future of workforce development you can be confident that your work will feel meaningful. And given that our promise to our users is that we will provide a deeply engaging learning experience that empowers them and their teams, then you can trust that we are committed to making that same promise to ourselves.
You get
We are life-friendly and strive to give you everything you need to both love your life and job and do great work. We care about the balance you strike between your work and your personal life, but above all we know that you’ll want to be engaged, challenged and inspired by your work. We offer competitive salaries combined with rapid progression in terms of role and responsibilities: your growth enables our growth to enable your growth.
We solve hard, far-reaching problems together
At Jyre, you’ll learn something new every day. We all grow working alongside other great people. Each of your team colleagues will be the best at what they do, and they will be the best colleagues you’ve ever had. We’re confident this is true because that’s exactly what we look for in everyone who joins our team. We hire people who are low ego but have a point of view. But most of all, we hire people for whom learning and growth is core to their identity.
Our work life is engaging and human
It’s remote-first and we plan to keep it that way. We’re a close-knit group that thrives on mutual respect. We’re people and team first, and capabilities second. If we see something falling down, we pick it up, whether or not it’s technically our job. We’re always trying out new things, as individuals and as a team, and we learn as we go.
We offer a rare mix of world-class product leadership, outstanding engineers, deep psychological science and rapid customer traction combined with a vision big enough to change the world.
Jyre welcomes and celebrates individuals of all backgrounds, orientations, and identities: just like it welcomes and celebrates customers and users of all backgrounds.
What our employees say
Open opportunities
No specific open opportunities available at the moment.
We're always hiring
We’re always on the look-out for the chance to grow our team, adding your contribution to our unique blend of psychology, technology and design. If you are outstanding at something and passionate about what we’re creating, we’d love to hear from you anyway!
We’re actively seeking diversity in our team, and welcome applications from anyone who believes that they can make a difference, whoever you are.